Thursday, March 19, 2015

Proud Moments

So much has gone helter-skelter this month but among the dark clouds has been some outstanding sunshiny moments! 

At the beginning of the month I fell and injured my leg, and when I went to the doctor I found I have osteoarthritis in my knees and the fall had caused it to flare up. Long story made short, I have to keep it as immobile as possible for 3-6 weeks. Which means no work until I am given the a-ok from my doctor. (This is not good for our income but we will "Make it Work"! 

During the time of my injury the house came down with a stomach bug and took turns hitting each of us...prolonged in me for some reason. Mckenzee made me very proud during the time I came down with the bug though. She made sure I always had something to drink, that I had my ice pack or blanket if I needed and took care of her little brother and cleaned up with no muss and fuss which is very much unlike the typical "whine and moan" when asked to help out. She was awesome, even down to tucking in her brother and reading to him and then tucking me in too! 
Painted up for Dr. Seuss Day at School
She has also made me proud by cleaning up her room, doing her homework as soon as she gets home AND working on her Girl Scout Journey book as well. There has been no fighting to get the chores done when I ask and she has even kept the cry baby Kenzee to a minimum. 

Working with Daddy to build at her Dr. Seuss Family night.

She had her second dance class this week and loves it! 
She is really starting to blossom out here, between her new out look being learned at Girl Scouts and her need to be praised as much as possible, she has really pushed herself to do some great things and I could not be prouder. Next week is conferences at her school and I hope things are as great there as I think they are because I know she flies through her homework and always has it right! 

Now on to my awesome little boy! He is astonishing me day in and day out. He has an amazing vocabulary and lately it is rare that I do NOT understand him. He talks so much now and has learned to color, some of his shapes, some of his letters, and even some of his object words! 
Here is an updated list of what he has been able to say this month: 

Hello Mama/Daddy
Sit down on you butt! (yes he has heard that just a few times)
Help me!
Owie Owie (when he hurts himself)
Love you Mama/Daddy
Night night Mama/Daddy
Kenzee (he loves his big sister) 
Kisses (he usually says this if he need a boo boo kissed)
Mo-Mo (that is an Eskimo kiss with his nose) <----one of my favorites! 

Red, blue, green, yellow, purple, circle, square, star, up, down, A, M, D, S, as well as shirt, socks, pants, shoes! 

He makes me smile, even when I want to pull out my hair because he also inherited my stubbornness and charm!

We have also really started getting Spencer into books as Mckenzee is moving up in her reading levels she has also been reading to him! I love them so much they make me so proud! 
Thank you all for reading!


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