While clicking through the internet not too long ago I came across a post that gave me 25 different journal prompts for Self Care. This inspired me to rethink the way I write since I have been suffering from some writer's block and not really been in the mood to continue on with the pieces I was previously working on.

So today I am going to share the first prompt, what I wrote and how it made me feel about myself after writing it.
Prompt 1: What are 10 things you are good at?
For me, it was a little tough coming up with TEN things that I am good at so I figured this was a good time to really sit and think about the things that I do that I am proud of and feel like I am good at no matter how small it was. After taking a night to stew on the question I made a list and decided to just write about that particular list.
The first thing that I am good at is taking care of my children! Making sure they are happy, healthy and safe is what I am really the best at in my own mind at least. (I like to think that they would agree)
Two, I am good at coordinating outfits for people. I can put together outfits from anyone's closet and they are always pretty good (having three kids with different styles helps).
Three, I am good at taking pictures. I love to take them all the time because why not remember as many moments as possible when I am older. I love taking pictures of pretty much anything but there is always a reason for it. I figure if I get old and start to forget these pictures will be a way to remind myself of the times I want to remember.
Fourth, I am good at organizing and color-coding. I like to put things in order, there is a sense of satisfaction at seeing things all lined up and neatly put in place!
Fifth, I am good at sparking up conversations with random people. I do have a lot of anxiety, HOWEVER, if I find something that sparks a compliment or that makes me smile I tend to speak up about it. I just can't help myself sometimes and that is okay, I think everyone should be able to say when something makes them happy with no shame.

Sixth, I am a good cook. I love trying new recipes, buying new spices, and trying to convince the kids to explore new things in the kitchen as well. I have found ways to sneak in the "good for you " stuff into their favorite dishes so I know they are getting what they need out of every meal!
Seventh, I am good at crafting. I am good at finding ways to use just about anything for making art. Upcycling things and getting supplies from places like (
dollartree.com) and (
walmart.com) I can make just about anything I want for gifts, household use or even just fun holiday decorating.
Eighth, I am good at multitasking, even right now I am doing about four different things while writing this particular post. I have a great ability to do many things at one time with the most ease. I probably do it more than I should but it comes in handy when you have more than one child, a really great significant other and a household to keep in order.
Ninth, I am good at listening to others, I love to listen to those I love, friends, family, when anyone really talks about things they love. I also like to hear their sorrows and be a shoulder if they need me to be.
So now we are at the final thing of the ten, this one I feel is the most important, its the one thing that should really be on every single one of your lists should you choose to make one about what YOU are good at...this final thing is...I AM GOOD AT BEING ME! There is really nothing more important than that. No one else could be the fun, quirky, purple-haired, rainbow glasses-wearing, weirdo that I myself have become from the years of life I have lived!
Honestly writing this piece about myself was very therapeutic. It helped me to spend a lot of time thinking about the positives that make up who I am. This is quite the opposite of how I spend most of my days ( I am working improving on this in many ways this year). This self-care journaling is just a small part of what I hope is improving my life and its quality.
If you would like more information about these prompts, send me a comment and I can tell you more. I plan to do prompt writing again in a future post as well. Stay tuned and keep reading.