Sunday, May 24, 2015


moth·er ˈməT͟Hər
1.       a woman in relation to a child or children to whom she has given birth.
synonyms: female parent, materfamilias, matriarch; More
1.       bring up (a child) with care and affection.
"the art of mothering"
2.       dated give birth to.
synonyms:          give birth to, have, bear, produce, birth; archaic be brought to bed of
"she mothered two sets of twins"
3.       :  maternal tenderness or affection
4.        [short for motherfucker] sometimes vulgar :  motherfucker
5.       :  something that is an extreme or ultimate example of its kind especially in terms of scale <the mother of all construction projects>
6.       — moth·er·hood \-ˌhu̇d\ noun
7.       — moth·er·less \-ləs\ adjective
8.       — moth·er·less·ness noun

     Origin of MOTHER

Middle English moder, from Old English mōdor; akin to Old High German muoter mother, Latin mater, Greek mētēr, Sanskrit mātṛ
First Known Use: before 12th century

My ma and I Summer 1985
My favorite part of all these definitions is the verb version 1. Bring up (a child) with care and affection. My mother definitely did her best to do just that. No mother is perfect, but to their child they are the perfect example of love. Now I know that not every child is lucky enough to have a real mother. Sometimes tragedy or life choices cause a child to be without the actual female version of a mother. Occasionally a father can fill the shoes well or any other role in the family can sometimes do their best to be a mother figure to a child. It just depends on the family. For me my mother was both the female and male role model for me. My father was in no way a father, and as far as I am concerned will never be a part of mine nor my children’s lives.
My mother though, I miss terribly. We spent many years (because of my father) having a strained and rocky relationship. I was fearful of confiding in her and I was not able to get close to her like I wanted until much later in my life. It was mostly in the last 10 years that we were finally able to have the kind of relationship every girl wishes she has with her mother. We grew close and spent a lot of time together. Now I live 3000+ miles away from her, and though I can call her and talk to her regularly it is not the same as having her close by. I fear something happening to her and me not being able to get to her. With all that has gone on with my health lately I wish she was here to hug me and tell me it will all be okay. The last time I had surgery it was her who waited by my side until it started and she who was the first person I saw when I woke up. I love her so much and I miss her every day. I miss waiting for her to come home from work so the kids could give her some love before bed. I miss making daiquiris and talking on a lazy Sunday. I miss having her text me when I was upstairs to see if I wanted to come down and have a coffee with her in the morning.
I worry that the last time I saw her could be the last time I saw her and maybe I forgot to say how much I loved her and need her in my life.

I don’t know what to do….I only know that I feel a little lost without her.   I LOVE YOU MA! 

It's My Body, Isn't It?

  Amidst the current political shitstorm regarding reproductive rights for anyone with a uterus in the US. It appalls me to see how my own c...