Thursday, May 26, 2022

Screw You and Your Guns!


This is all I feel right now: sad and sick to my stomach. After reading article after article about the violence in various locations, it just breaks my heart how many innocent people are dying because of our government, our people, and our own stupidity. Due to pandemic fear, people avoided leaving home for fear of getting sick and having to miss work or school, or even risking health issues beyond their control. Our families were kept close to home for their medical safety while we adjusted to homeschooling. TV showed the violence of people fighting against injustices in our country and those who just did not wear masks, get vaccines, or had the common courtesy to stay away from others. In our battle for basic human rights, we fight for the freedom to live, love, and be who we are in our own minds. It is said that every heartbeat is precious and deserves a chance at life, and we fight to have rights to our own bodies. Yet here we are, the 26th day of the 5th month of 2022, mourning the deaths of so many innocent lives taken too soon for no reason at all, and our government still refuses to ensure the safety of these lives they claim are so precious! They try to blame mental illness and then make it difficult for people to get the help they need. To such an extent that they will not even allow women to own their own bodies, they make sure that a sprinkling of cells is brought into the world, but once it is here, they have no interest in it. Basically, our government is nothing more than an absent parent, a partner who walks away from the other when forced to take responsibility and deliver the child. This is the deadbeat parent who would much rather be out drinking and buying guns than raising responsible, thriving, happy children. It is our country and our government who are responsible for those children and adults whose lives were taken as much as the man-child who committed the atrocity. For those who do not believe that this is why we need better gun reform and stricter policies against owning one, they are just as responsible for those parents who woke up without their children, and for those children whose parents were murdered. F*** you and your FREEDOM! We as a people have no rights at all! We have nothing! Do you know how we stop fkn gun violence and school shootings? We take away the MTHRFKN guns! Take them ALL away, give them to the military, and that's it! Bring back swords! Let me see some punk ass teen boy head into a high school with a sword and see how many people die, bet it is way fewer. Give police tasers and mace and leave it at that! If they are too afraid to get shot at themselves then they shouldn't be allowed to have guns! I bet you any money we won't be hearing these horrific headlines anymore. NO GUNS=NO SCHOOL/NO GROCERY STORE/NO RANDOM SHOOTINGS! It is time to charge our government with child support, oh and they are going to have to pay for the help all those families now need to bury the people who died. Since all those government officials want to have their d**** so deep in the mothers of this country they should be helping take care of all the children we have!

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