So to catch you all up on my to do's and such I am going to write about what has happened in the last month.

Now as far as the things I have done this last month or so, I have to say I am a little behind where I wish I was. I am trying to get the house in order well enough that I can stop stressing about it but with a toddler it is like trying to shovel out the East Coast lately. No matter what I get done, five minutes later I have to do it again because "Tornado Toddler" has come through and remade the mess. I love him but oh boy does he keep me busy. (Insert big sigh)
I am doing my best to get to the point of having the time to start my seeds for spring (I have seven new little plants to start), some crafting I want to start for gifts this year, plus some more work I would love to get done with Mckenzee for her to earn more badges, she is super excited to work on her Family badge and Bug Badge (she cannot wait to go back to the bug museum!) We will probably even get her a new butterfly or two with a habitat so her and her baby brother can watch them grow again!
Well that is all the news for now and I am sure I will think of something that I forgot to put in but until then....keep reading, keep enjoying and thank you for being here!